Author's Featured Sampler



When spoken they will lighten the spirit, make the load more bearable, whilst bringing a beaming smile to the speaker and receiver of the words.

ACT ONE: A tired confused child's mind was eased into a peaceful slumber of the words of his father, telling an ordinary bedtime story. "Once upon a time..... And finally, just as the youngster's eyes close, I am here." The father's sincere words were spoken with a depth of understanding, are never forgotton.

ACT TWO: As it was.... Returning home from his local watering-hole a father feels slightly 'not with it' after partaken in one drink too many. A young son hears the gate bang & rushes to the door greeting his father, whose face was bright red, sporting a fixed-like grin. The lad just looked. His dad removes his best jacket with extreme care as he proceeded to hang it on the coat hook. He misses & his jacket cascades to the floor. Again the father tries, this time finds the hook with his hand. Yet, his jacket ends up on the floor. A father looks confused as he mutters, "Who's moved the coat hook?" a son just smiles, as he picks up the jacket & hangs it up. Silent was the boy who took his father's hand & guided him up the stairs. Helps him into bed & smoothed his father's forehead as he gently tucked the bed-covers around him. When morning came a father awakes to fine his son sitting nearby, he had been there all night reading a simple bedtime story. The lad smiled at his dad, as he whispered, "I am here..... I AM HERE.